5 interesting places randomly curated based on the user's location

This service targets travelers between the ages of 21 and 30 years old. The 'adventurous' type, who travels at least once a year with the purpose of exploring.
Target market was determined based on 6 weeks of ethnographic research, user and expert interviews, and secondary research.
The Problem
Travelers want the best experiences but people often find themselves looking for something to do while traveling. Contemporary apps don't accommodate travelers who are researching intensely when on the road.
A service for travelers that provides quick access to events, attractions, and people.

No comment system to avoid a situation where the user feels like they are doing research

No comment system to avoid a situation where the user feels like they are doing research

Brand colors are associated with particular events/place types and will change contextually with the page. Each color also has a secondary contrasting color.

Brand colors are associated with particular events/place types and will change contextually with the page. Each color also has a secondary contrasting color.

Ethnographic research for 2 weeks in europe.
Interviewed over 20 travelers staying at hostels and hotels at Los Angeles learning about their problems and tools they use on their trips.
- International travelers are more likely to have bad phone reception.
- Language is major factor for travelers. User may only have english as their second language.
- Getting to new place and not really knowing its culture or attractions
- Getting overwhelmed with information from travel apps
- Going somewhere and being underwhelmed,
and feeling disappointed with desicion
- Running out of money
Interviewed over 20 travelers staying at hostels and hotels at Los Angeles learning about their problems and tools they use on their trips.
- Language is major factor for travelers. User may only have english as their second language.
- Getting to new place and not really knowing its culture or attractions
- Getting overwhelmed with information from travel apps
- Going somewhere and being underwhelmed, and feeling disappointed with desicion
- Running out of money